Find us on Face Book at Tom Havard Cemetery Association
Three Havard brothers, Jeremiah,Tom and Henry came from Mississippi in the 1840’s and settled in Angelina County, Texas. One of the largest families in the county has decended from the three brothers.
There are also three Havard cemeteries. They are the Tom Havard Cemetery, the Dunk Havard Cemetery and the Uncle Bill or Southwell Havard Cemetery. The Tom and Jeremiah families are buried in the Tom Havard Cemetery and the Henry Havard families in the Dunk Havard Cemetery.
I am W. T. Block’s son and site administrator. He would have been pleased to have you reference his material on your web site and/or to provide links to his web site. His only request would be to be given proper credit.
I would also be interested in having a link sent to me when you make any references.
Good luck with your project. Respectfully, Bill Block